In order to promote the mobility of students both among higher-education institutions in other countries and among higher-education institutions within the same country, ESADCYL has a regulation for recognition and transfer of credits that is in accordance with the provisions of Order EDU / 466/2017, 13 June, which regulates the system for recognition and transfer of credits in higher arts education delivered in the autonomous community of Castilla y León (cf BOCYL, 20 June 2017). This regulation arises under the provision of Article 6 of the Royal Decree 1614/2009, 26 October, which establishes the ordinance of higher arts education regulated by the Organic Law of Education 2/2006, 3 May, where it is stated: ‘Educational Administrations will make public their regulations on the system for recognition and transfer of credits of higher arts education’. Article 9 of the aforementioned order establishes the specific criteria for the recognition of credits in masters degrees:
- Students registered for masters studies may only obtain recognition of credits obtained from studies at a level equal to or higher than the masters.
- For this recognition of credits, specific criteria established in the standardisation report on the degree will be applied. These can be found on the website of the centre in which the course is given.
General conditions for obtaining recognition of credits
Students may request recognition of credits obtained in official courses at other centres of higher arts education or at European Higher Education Area (EHEA) centres in accordance with the following premises:
- In general, credits obtained in official education in centres of higher arts education or other centres of the EHEA may be recognised when there is a correspondence of more than 75 percent between the competences and contents of the courses already taken and those specified in the study programme for which recognition is requested, even though the courses of origin and those of destination may not have the same title.
- There will be full recognition of subjects or courses taken on official university masters degree courses, depending on the suitability of competences and knowledge associated with the completed studies and those specified in the study programme of the Masters in Higher Arts Education.
- Several subjects of origin may be used for recognition of credits corresponding to a single destination subject.
- Recognised credits must correspond to complete destination subjects. There will be no partial recognition except in the case of external placements.
- Credits assigned to the Dissertation will not be recognised.
- Recognised credits may not exceed 60 percent of the total credits of the study programme of the degree intended to be taken.
- Requests for recognition of credits will have their origin in subjects or courses actually taken and passed; in no case will they refer to subjects or courses previously recognised, validated or adapted.
- In the case of students participating in international mobility programmes endorsed by ESADCYL with universities or other higher-education institutions, recognition as stated in the academic contract established before their departure will be obtained.
Recognition of credits through work or professional experience
Work or professional experience may qualify for recognition of academic validity. In this case:
- The number of credits that are subject to recognition may not be higher than 15 percent of the total credits that constitute the study programme.
- Recognition of these credits will not incorporate numerical scores, therefore said credits will not count for the purpose of rating student records.
- Recognition of credits will always be carried out by analysing the correspondence between those accumulated on the Masters, which must always be duly verified, and those acquired within the framework of personal experience.
It will also be possible to recognise credits for work and professional experience in the case of students who meet and demonstrate the requirements indicated in Articles 11.4 and 11.5 of Order EDU/466/2017, 13 June. In relation to the latter article, it will be the Credit Recognition and Transfer Commission that will specify the duration and type of activity necessary to proceed with recognition, taking into account that said duration must be at least the same number of hours as the ECTS credits they wish to have recognised.
In order to assess the quality of the Masters Degree, the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Castilla y León (ESADCYL) will follow the procedures and standards established by its internal quality assurance system in a manner that ensures effective management of the degree and appropriate decision-making for its control, revision and improvement.
Furthermore, this internal quality assurance system will ensure compliance with the provisions of Order EDU/1221/2011 of 29 September in Article 9 of its annex, thus making it possible to:
- Ensure analysis of the development of the Masters Degree on the basis of procedures established in the internal quality assurance system.
- Identify possible shortcomings in the effective development of the Masters degree, analyse them and develop improvement actions.
- Ensure public availability of information in order to ensure transparency and accountability.
- Deliver recommendations and/or suggestions for improvement of the internal quality assurance system.
These tasks are the responsibility of the Quality Assurance Committee, which will assess the quality of the degree through established procedures. The Committee will be composed of the following unipersonal entities:
- President (director of ESADCYL)
- General Quality Coordinator (Director of Studies at ESADCYL)
- Secretary (secretary of ESADCYL)
- Academic coordinator of the Masters Degree
- Academic coordinator of the Masters Degree??
- Teacher representative
- Student representative
- PAS (Personal de Administración y Servicios/Administration and Services Personnel) representative
- Employment advisor
Registration procedure
Registration will be completed online using the Codex program at the portal You will be able to formalize your registration next January 2020. After completion, the student must provide the following documentation:
- Original registration receipt from the Codex program, signed by the student.
- Copy of Form 046 (payment of public fees: opening of files and administrative services) paid for in full and stamped by the banking institution. (More Information). Payments will be in accordance with public fees for secretarial services (currently those approved by Ordinance 11/2015 of the Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León, 29 January, 2015, ‘by which public fees for specialised education in the autonomous community of Castilla y León for the academic year 2015/16 are established’ (see BOCYL, Feb 2, 2015; text available at (More Information) and, in the case of newly-admitted students, for services pertaining to the opening of academic files.
- Original bank receipt for payment (in cash or by bank transfer) of the registration fee and accident and health care insurance. Students who are eligible for exemption from or reductions in registration fees will not need to present the bank receipt, but must provide the original and a copy of a valid document confirming eligibility for such exemption or reduction. If this documentation is sent by registered post, a certified photocopy must be presented.
- In the case of instalment payments, the duly completed and signed form relating to the SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) direct debit must be provided, together with a certificate or receipt issued by the banking institution, or a photocopy of the bank book that irrefutably verifies the name of the account holder and the account number.
- Photocopy of ID/NIE/Passport
- Three passport-sized photographs.
- Photocopy (if applicable) of the Large Family Book.
Types of registration
There are two types of registration: full-time and part-time (the standard registration scheme being that of full-time students).
- FULL-TIME students: 60 ECTS credits.
- PART-TIME students: minimum 30 ECTS credits.
Save in exceptional cases, duly justified and verified, changes of registration will not be authorised during the academic year. In all cases, these have to be expressly approved by the Director of the Centre.
Part-time students
Students may apply for part-time student status. In order to qualify for the status of part-time student, one of the following conditions must be met and verified:
- Being in employment:
- In the case of employed workers, the student must provide an up-to-date Informe de Vida Laboral (employment history report) from the Spanish Social Security, as well as a certificate issued to this effect by the owner of the company or by the staff manager of the same, confirming a minimum of 20 hours of work per week.
- In the case of self-employed workers, in addition to the Spanish Social Security employment history report, certification of registration for Impuesto de Actividades Económicas (Economic Activities Tax) and a photocopy of the payment of the corresponding quota for the current year must be provided.
- Caring for a relative up to the second degree of kinship by consanguinity or affinity.
- Being affected by a degree of physical, sensory or mental disability equal to or greater than 33 %, which must be recognized by the competent authority and documented.
- EBeing affected by serious illness (a medical report must be provided).
However, the Masters board of directors will analyse each case and, following a report from the Masters Academic Committee, will deal with the applications presented by the interested parties, which must be duly justified and documented.
Access procedure
- Students interested in taking the Masters must register on the academic portal in order to access and complete the pre-registration form. This must then be emailed to the Masters programme This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. together with the following documentation:
- ID/NIE/Passport.
- Academic qualifications required for access. Students from abroad must submit a certified photocopy of the qualification translated into Spanish by a sworn translator.
- Personal academic certificates stating all courses taken and grades obtained. Students from abroad must submit these certificates translated into Spanish.
- CV (maximum three pages). An accredited certificate verifying qualifications must be submitted.
- Cover letter for taking the Masters (maximum two pages).
- The pre-registration period will be extended from september 14th to December 14th, 2020, both inclusive.
On December 15th, 2020, the provisional list of admitted candidates will be published on our website. The excluded will have a six calendar days period to submit any claim and/or correct mistakes in the documentation provided.
On December 22nd 2020, once the claims period is closed the final list of admitted and excluded students will be publish, as well as the days and schedules chosen for the personal interviews. The Academic Committee of the Master will be contemplate the chance of do these interviews by videoconference or telephone.
- The personal interviews with candidates will be held between January 12th and January 14th ,2021
- On January 15th , 2020will be publish the final list of admitted students
Selection Criteria
Academic record: 40 % of the final score.
CV: 30 % of the final score.
Interview: 30 % of the final score.
Pre- registration: | From September 14th to December 14th, 2020 |
Holding of interviews of applicants with the Academic Committee of the Master | From January 12th to 14th, 2021 |
Enrollment period | From January 19th to 26th, 2021 |
Entrance requirements
The Masters course will be open to:
- Those with higher-education qualifications in arts education, priority being given to Drama, Music and Dance.
- University graduates, or those with an equivalent official qualification issued by an institution of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that authorises access to the Masters degree in the country that issued said qualification.
- Qualified students outside the EHEA, after prior verification by the competent educational administration that they have achieved an equivalent educational level (the qualifications themselves do not need to be officially recognised). Access obtained in this way will in no case mean official recognition of the qualification held by the interested party, or serve for purposes other than taking the Masters degree.